Dental Esthetics. The Dental Technician Perspective.

The collaboration between Dentists and Dental Technicians (Dental Technologists) is of fundamental importance for achieving a result of high aesthetics. The upcoming EAAO symposium focuses precisely on this relationship and gives the floor to four internationally acclaimed speakers to highlight the importance of communication from their own perspective. During the symposium, participants will have the opportunity to attend presentations covering topics such as shade selection, analog vs. digital workflow and their combination, new techniques and materials being used, as well as criteria for selecting the appropriate prosthetic restorations. The speakers will share their personal experiences and present cases demonstrating how close collaboration and open communication between professionals can lead to outstanding results. The success of a dental restoration depends not only on the technical skills of those involved, and the knowledge of modern materials and techniques, but also on their effective communication and collaboration. This symposium aims to enhance the understanding between dentists and dental technicians, encouraging the creation of a common language and improving cooperation on a daily basis.



08:00 Registration, Exhibition open

08:55 Welcome

09:00 Thomas Backscheider | Modern Ways to enhance the Effective Communication between Dentists and Dental Technicians

10:00 PhotoContest2024 “Live your Dental Life” Awards

10:30 Coffee break

11:00 Dominique Vinci | The Ultimate Guide to Tooth Shade Selection for predictable Results, and effective Communication between the Clinic and the Lab

12:30 Light lunch break

13:30 Daniele Rondoni | How to increase your Aesthetic Solutions and make your Dentist and Patients happy, with New Generation Zirconia: Microcut-back to Zero Cut-back Solutions with Zirconia Katana Multilayered

15:00 Coffee break

15:30 Uli Hauschild | Fusion Dentistry – a Symbiosis of Digital Technology, Manual Skills and Experience

17:00 Closing remarks

Date: November, 2, 2024 (08:00 – 18:00)

Venue: Stratos Vasilikos Hotel, 114 Michalakopoulou, 115 27, Athens

Website: Dental Esthetics DT Meeting Athens 2024 – HAED – Hellenic Academy of Esthetic Dentistry 

Official language: English

Registration fees: Dentists / Dental technicians 80 €, HAED Active / Regular Members (2024) 70 €, Under / Postgraduate students 50 €

Accreditation: Scientific program will be awarded with Continues Professional Dental Education Points by the Hellenic Dental Association Scientific Affairs Institute / Certificates of Attendance (via email).

Exhibition: Free access from 08:00 to 17:30

Organization: Hellenic Academy of Esthetic Dentistry

Media Partner: Omnipress